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P. R. Weldhen

Preparing Your Garden for Spring

As the days begin to lengthen and warm up, it’s obvious spring is on its way. Most people are eager to get back into the garden, even if it’s still a bit early. However, there are a few things you can do now to prepare your garden for spring.

Put in Your Seed Orders

Now is the perfect time to begin planning your garden and ordering the seeds and bulbs that you’ll be planting this year. Seed catalogues are readily available at this point and it will warm your green thumbs to flip through them and look at all the possibilities for this spring.

Make a list of all the plants you would like to plant, then map out your garden on a piece of paper and figure out where each type of plant will go. Be sure to keep in mind where it’s shady and where the sun hits. This will help you select the right seeds for each area.

Remove Garden Waste

While everything is dead and dying, you can begin to pull out weeds and grasses to make room for your plants. These may be composted or you can hire a waste company to remove all the dead branches, grass, and assorted weeds (be sure to burn weeds to avoid germinating them).

Once you’ve finished cleaning out all the odds and ends from the garden, you can spread a good 5 cm of manure or compost into the top bit of soil. If it’s frozen, you can simply spread the new soil on top and the garden beds will gradually begin to warm up as spring approaches.

Start Early Seeds

If you have a greenhouse, you may wish to start some of the plants that will take longer to harvest. These include everything from peppers, aubergines, and flowers like geraniums and begonias, which will all need longer periods of growth.

These seeds may be started in your home or in a warm greenhouse, to ensure they survive until planting time.

Do Regular Maintenance

Any paths, fences, or structures in the garden should be repaired or have maintenance done on them during this time. Since it’s not right for planting, you should work on the areas that you can. Once summer hits, you’ll likely be too busy to bother with repairs and will be focused on plants. Right now is a great time to ensure all your garden structures are in good repair.

Your garden has quite a lot to do even when it’s still the dead of winter. You can easily work year-round if you choose the right areas to work on.

Need some help with topsoil and equipment? Contact PR Weldhen to learn more about how we can help you with your garden.

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